During the month of February, 2021 AFCAC conducted a number of activities as IEC Material Campaigns, Social Media Mobilization, Provision of Consultation and Legal Aid to the Victims of Corruption, Advocacy Initiative for System Reform, Corruption Hunting Society Meeting of Kunar, University Anti-Corruption Student Group Meetings (Kabul, Nangarhar, Kunar and Laghman), Provincial Accountability and Transparency Gathering of Laghman (1st Round) and Provincial Accountability and Transparency Gatherings’ of Nangarhar, Kunar & Laghman (2nd Round).
AFCAC team conducted these activities in Kabul, Nangarhar, Laghman and Kunar provinces. The purpose of the activities conducted is to make common people understand what corruption is and how to stand and fight against corruption. In addition, AFCAC legal team provided free legal aid and consultation to the victims of corruption and conducted various advocacy meetings for system reform in order to address all those complaint cases the legal team received during Zero AFN Banknote Campaigns. AFCAC also conducted monthly coordination meetings with University Students Anti-Corruption groups and Corruption Hunting Society group of Kunar in order to review their monthly findings in terms of complaint cases, campaigns, advocacy meetings and make plans for the next month.
University Students Anti-Corruption Group Meeting, Kunar
Besides, AFCAC successfully conducted the first round of Provincial Accountability and Transparency Gathering with the esteemed governor of Laghman and created a platform for both citizens and the governmental authorities to listen to one another and find solutions to the problems the citizens had in their living areas.
Accountability and Transparency Gathering, Laghman
Similarly, AFCAC could effectively conducted the second round of Provincial Accountability and Transparency Gatherings in all the three provinces in which AFCAC proposed a mechanism through which AFCAC volunteer groups will have monthly coordination meetings with the governor houses of the three provinces in order to share the problems they have received during the campaigns the volunteer group have conducted.
Accountability and Transparency Gathering (2nd Round), Laghman
The activities conducted by AFCAC in Kabul, Nangarhar, Laghman and Kunar provinces are highly appreciated by the common people and governmental employees. As an inclination, AFCAC’s Motto which states that “Neither I give bribe nor I take bribe” perfectly matches the scenario AFCAC is currently working in. For the reason that AFCAC’s activities are for the welfare of common people in addition to government employees. AFCAC has encouraged many people for fighting against corruption and has given them the courage of raising voices against corrupt officials.
During the month of January, 2021 AFCAC conducted a number of activities as IEC Materials Campaign, Social Media Mobilization, Provision of Legal Aid and Consultation to the Victims of Corruption, Advocacy Initiatives for System Reform, University Anti-Corruption Students Group Meetings (Nangarhar, Kunar, Laghman and Kabul), Mass Media (Radio Ads and Anti-Corruption Video Broadcasting) and Provincial Accountability and Transparency Gathering of Kunar.
AFCAC team conducted these activities in Kabul, Nangarhar, Laghman and Kunar provinces. The purpose of the activities conducted is to make common people understand what corruption is and how to stand and fight against corruption. In addition, AFCAC legal team provided free legal aid and consultation to the victims of corruption and conducted various advocacy meetings for system reform in order to address all those complaint cases the legal team received during Zero AFN Banknote Campaigns.
Advocacy Meeting with the Directorate of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs, Nangarhar
AFCAC also conducted monthly coordination meetings with University Students Anti-Corruption groups in order to review their monthly findings in terms of complaint cases, campaigns, advocacy meetings and make plans for the next month. Besides, AFCAC successfully conducted Provincial Accountability and Transparency Gathering with the esteemed governor of Kunar and created a platform for both citizens and the governmental authorities to listen to one another and find solutions to the problems the citizens had in their living areas.
Accountability and Transparency Gathering, Kunar
The activities conducted by AFCAC in Kabul, Nangarhar, Laghman and Kunar provinces are highly appreciated by the common people and governmental employees. As an inclination, AFCAC’s Motto which states that “Neither I give bribe nor I take bribe” perfectly matches the scenario AFCAC is currently working in. For the reason that AFCAC’s activities are for the welfare of common people in addition to government employees. AFCAC has encouraged many people for fighting against corruption and has given them the courage of raising voices against corrupt officials.
During the month of December, 2020 AFCAC conducted a number of activities as IEC Materials Campaign, Social Media Mobilization, Provision of Legal Aid and Consultation to the Victims of Corruption, Advocacy Initiatives for System Reform, Transparency Cup Event and Provincial Accountability and Transparency Gathering of Nangarhar.
AFCAC team conducted these activities in Kabul, Nangarhar, Laghman and Kunar provinces. The purpose of the activities conducted is to make common people understand what corruption is and how to stand and fight against corruption. In addition, AFCAC legal team provided free legal aid and consultation to the victims of corruption and conducted various advocacy meetings for system reform in order to address all those complaint cases the legal team received during Zero AFN Banknote Campaigns.
Advocacy Meeting with Health Net TPO, Nangarhar
AFCAC also conducted Transparency Cup Event in Nangarhar in order to spread the message of standing and fighting against corruption through cricket tournament and players.
Transparency Cup Event, Nangarhar
Besides, AFCAC successfully conducted Provincial Accountability and Transparency Gathering with the esteemed governor of Nangarhar and created a platform for both citizens and the governmental authorities to listen to one another and find solutions to the problems the citizens had in their living areas.
Transparency and Accountability Gathering, Nangarhar
The activities conducted by AFCAC in Kabul, Nangarhar , Laghman and Kunar provinces are highly appreciated by the common people and governmental employees. As an inclination, AFCAC’s Motto which states that “Neither I give bribe nor I take bribe” perfectly matches the scenario AFCAC is currently working in. For the reason that AFCAC’s activities are for the welfare of common people in addition to government employees. AFCAC has encouraged many people for fighting against corruption and has given them the courage of raising voices against corrupt officials.
During the month of November, 2020 AFCAC conducted a number of activities as IEC Materials Campaign, Social Media Mobilization, Provision of Legal Aid and Consultation to the Victims of Corruption, Advocacy Initiatives for System Reform, Corruption Hunting Society meetings, University Students Anti-corruption meetings, Nangarhar Debate Competition and Provincial Accountability and Transparency Gatherings.
AFCAC team conducted these activities in Kabul, Nangarhar, Laghman and Kunar provinces. The purpose of the activities conducted is to make common people understand what corruption is and how to stand and fight against corruption. In addition, AFCAC legal team provided free legal aid and consultation to the victims of corruption and conducted various advocacy meetings for system reform in order to address all those complaint cases the legal team received during Zero AFN Banknote Campaigns. AFCAC also conducted monthly coordination meetings with Corruption Hunting societies and University Students Anti-Corruption groups in order to review their monthly findings in terms of complaint cases, campaigns, advocacy meetings and make plans for the next month.
Besides, AFCAC tried their level best to conduct Provincial Accountability and Transparency Gatherings with the governors of Laghman, Nangarhar and Kunar provinces but could not conduct them due to the busy official schedules of the governors.
University Students Anti-Corruption Group Meeting, Laghman
The activities conducted by AFCAC in Kabul, Nangarhar , Laghman and Kunar provinces are highly appreciated by the common people and governmental employees. As an inclination, AFCAC’s Motto which states that “Neither I give bribe nor I take bribe” perfectly matches the scenario AFCAC is currently working in. For the reason that AFCAC’s activities are for the welfare of common people in addition to government employees. AFCAC has encouraged many people for fighting against corruption and has given them the courage of raising voices against corrupt officials.
During the month of October, 2020 AFCAC conducted a number of activities as IEC Material Campaigns, Social Media Mobilization, Provision of Legal Aid and Consultation, Advocacy Initiatives for System Reform, Mass Media (Radio Ads and Anti-Corruption Video Broadcasting), Corruption Hunting Societies Meetings and University Students Anti-Corruption Groups Meetings.
AFCAC team conducted these activities in Kabul, Nangarhar, Laghman and Kunar provinces. The purpose of the activities conducted is to make common people understand what corruption is and how to stand and fight against corruption. In addition, AFCAC legal team provided free legal aid and consultation to the victims of corruption and conducted various advocacy meetings for system reform in order to address all those complaint cases the legal team received during Zero AFN Banknote Campaigns. AFCAC also conducted monthly coordination meetings with Corruption Hunting societies and University Students Anti-Corruption groups in order to review their monthly findings in terms of complaint cases, campaigns, advocacy meetings and make plans for the next month.
Corruption Hunting Society Meeting, Nangarhar
The activities conducted by AFCAC in Kabul, Nangarhar , Laghman and Kunar provinces are highly appreciated by the common people and governmental employees. As an inclination, AFCAC’s Motto which states that “Neither I give bribe nor I take bribe” perfectly matches the scenario AFCAC is currently working in. For the reason that AFCAC’s activities are for the welfare of common people in addition to government employees. AFCAC has encouraged many people for fighting against corruption and has given them the courage of raising voices against corrupt officials.
Afghans Coordination Against Corruption – AFCAC officially launched Zero AFN Note campaign for the first time in Afghanistan through a press conference on April 11, 2019 at Panjshir Hall, Intercontinental Hotel, Kabul, Afghanistan. Mr. Sadaqat Ali Executive Director, Mr. Ehsanullah Hikmat, Project Manager, Ms. Salima Siddique Complaint Officer and Ms. Zuhra Kalangari Kabul based volunteers representative spoke to the participants and media about the Zero Note campaign. The panelists responded the questions of the media representatives as well. About fifteen media representatives covered the event, including, Tolo News, 1TV, Kabul News, Pazhwak News Agency, Azadi Radio, etc.
Zero Note Campaign
Corruption is global phenomenon; it exists almost in all countries. In some countries it has been controlled, while others still try to mitigate and eliminate corruption. Both the governments and the citizens are equally responsible for striving for the mitigation and combating corruption. Various governments and citizens of different countries have taken certain measures to tackle corruption. One of such effort is the “Zero Note”, The Zero AFN Note is a simple currency-like looking tool designed to resemble the AFN 1000 currency in Afghanistan, but made larger than the AFN Thousand note, with an Anti-bribery Pledge replacing the Reserve Bank Governor’s pledge of the actual money’s tender. The front of the ZAN has “I PROMISE TO NEITHER ACCEPT NOR GIVE BRIBE” printed on the front bottom center. The organization’s contact info and an anti-bribery appeal (“If anyone demands a bribe, give this note and report the case”) is also printed on the ZAN.
Launch of Zero AFN Note Campaign
The moment a corrupt government employee receives the note, he or she is shaken up a bit and immediately responds to the situation in a friendly and helpful manner simply to avoid getting into the bribe-radar and therefore the ZAN proves to be a simple, strong and effective “Non-violent weapon of Non-cooperation” giving voice to the “voiceless” and power to the “powerless”.
Martin Luther King once very famously said, “The silence of the good people is more dangerous than the brutality of the bad people”. Realizing what man could achieve if corruption was to be completely eliminated from our day-to-day lives. The Zero AFN notes will be printed to empower the common man – those who suffer the most, those who are often oppressed by corrupt officials. The idea of the note is to tell people that they no longer needed to be afraid of those in power, and to make them realize that they had nothing to lose and that for the first time; they were not alone in the fight. This will also give people the chance to register a grassroots protest against low-level corruption.
Involving the citizen is key in fighting corruption effectively; and the Zero Note is one of the best tools to mobilize and involve the citizen to “Say No to Corruption” by combating corruption in all levels. They will be informed and satisfied that they are not alone; AFCAC will fully support them whenever they face the corrupt officials. By reporting the case AFCAC will fully cooperate with the person through its legal team.
AFCAC has vast experience in public mobilization and providing legal assistance and consultation.